Our company offers the Chinese-built machinery SHANTUI (bulldozers, excavators, wheel loaders etc.), which are made with use of Komatsu techology. Shantui Bulldozer Plant has been operating for many years in close cooperation with Komatsu of Japan. They have received Design and Technology transfer from Komatsu to enable them to produce the TY160, TY220, TY230B and TY320B Bulldozers, which are mostly interchangeable with Komatsu D65, D85 and D155 machines.
This Chinese factory has reached world production standards and have international ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Accreditations. The Chinese machines are reliable, productive and they are very well priced, so that ordinary people can afford to buy it.
Nearly all the world major equipment manufacturers now have joint venture factories in China, producing machines and parts to original specifications and quality to supplement their home factory production. SHANTUI has joint venture company with Komatsu.
Products of SHANTUI have already been exported to more than 60 countries competing many globe-famous brands all over the world.
Shipment is made within 45 days after our receipt of advance payment subject to vessel availability and her shipping space.
We are looking for reliable partner in USA, Canada, Mexico who has the possibilities:
- To purchase and accept the Chinese-built machinery and spare parts;
- To make the pre-sale (to complete the machinery with engines, etc.) and after-sale services;
- To sale and promote the Chinese-built machinery and spare parts.
The partner is required to have the necessary technical basis.
We would like to get the answers for the following questions:
- Is there any customs limitations for Chinese-built machinery and spare parts import to USA?
- Is it possible to import to USA the Chinese-built machinery which is not equipped with engine and to complete the machinery with engine in USA?
- Is it possible to import to USA the Chinese-built machinery which is equipped with Chinese-built Cummins or CAT engines?
If you have the above possibilities and wish to deal in Chinese-built machinery and parts, we are ready to cooperate and hope this cooperation will be friutful and profitable.
It is a great opportunity for you to start the business with Chinese-built machinery!
for detailed information about Chinese-built machinery and to purchase it.